
Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Beginnings

In the life of a gardener the month of January always presents an opportunity to begin again. It is like sitting in front of a brand new sheet of white paper for an artist. It isn't that you haven't created anything before. It is just that this time the potential is for something better. Of course the possibility of a bad stroke is hovering...but there is thrill in the possibilities. Here at Twisted Oak we are sorting through seed catalogs, making choices, making lists and tossing them aside so that new lists, better choices, can be made. 3 varieties of Ammi or 2? Who can possibly choose only 10 varieties of all these Sunflowers? Should we try growing Celosia this year? Do we really need ALL those Zinnias? Where can we possibly put all these plants? Toss the list...start over.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! The "artist's sheet of paper" metaphor is exactly how I felt when making my seed list this year. Now if I could only tackle that new clean sheet of paper.
    And to answer your Zinnia question...YES! Those Zinnias were beautiful. But if you're going to add to last years flowers instead of just trade out some for others, you may need to take on an assistant. :)
