
Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is it April already?

March was so busy I must have missed it entirely. Or perhaps I was so happy it arrived that I couldn't leave it's side long enough to sit inside and write. Crutches are gone and I am moving awkwardly under my own power and relishing my travels to the flowers fields ... though panic is setting in at the realization that weeds are moving faster than either me or my dear seedlings.

Flats upon flats of seedlings are in the nursery (or is that the exercise room?) and keeping me company as I build up my leg muscles. It occurs to me that this is a lovely way to exercise. My wee muscles are preventing me from spending time on the running trails these days. The smells of soil, bright green foliage and moist warm air on those trails are heaven on Earth. But here on the treadmill with my seedlings I smell that soil, foliage and moist warm air. A blessed consolation.

Jay and I were discussing again today the possibilities of squeezing dollars into a greenhouse for propagation later this summer. Hopefully I won't need the treadmill next Spring and my seedlings will enjoy new "digs". Eeeeeww.... that was bad pun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're using that room for seedlings. It's such a perfect room for it!
    Soon enough, I'll be able to ship off Oliver to do all your weeding for you! It'll be good for him. :)
