
Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Angel

We were blessed with 32 to 36 inches of snow this past weekend here in Clarke County, VA. Blessed....hmmmm.....Not so sure. For me sitting here with a broken leg and a new found phobia for ice on the pavement the story is more like a scene from "The Shining".
I cannot see the flower field from here. I was told early on not to place it within site of the Kitchen window or it would never be cut. And what good is a Cut flower Farm where the flowers are never cut? I worry that the snow has broken my young Lilacs in half and misshapen all the Boxwood. My husband says "Oh they are fine". That is what he always says. The kids have learned to joke about it. "Is that smell from my furnace normal?" "Oh its fine. Just check..." "Is my car supposed to sound like that? "Oh its fine. just check..." I stand behind him and mouth "NO IT IS NOT FINE". But really it is fine for someone so capable. He just faces the problem and fixes it, never daunted. I read an interview once where Paul Newman was asked the secret to his long marriage to Joanne Woodward. His response was that they fix things when they are broke. If the toaster is broke they don't throw it out, they fix it. Same with their marriage. That concept is rare and valued by my husband.

As the ominous forcasts started coming in about this "Historical Storm", Jay was out checking on the snow plow and tractor. Of course the motor on the plow was broken. But he fixes the plow and proceeds to take care of his own farm, neighbor's and friend's. He spent several hours plowing as the snow fell and spent 13 hours straight the next day clearing driveways a tractor bucket at a time for 8 households other than his own. And we live in a rural community so bear in mind some driveways are nearly a mile long. Our nearest neighbor called while he was still out to say she was very grateful for her "Snow Angel".

I will listen to my Snow Angel and know that the Lilacs and the Boxwood will be fine. When the snow and the crutches are gone I will venture out with my clippers to straighten up and nurture them back knowing that buds will surely burst in the Spring. They will be fine.
See article in February 11 Washington Post by Adrian Higgins re: Woody Plant repairs.

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